Tuesday 4 May 2010

Not The Beeeeeees!!!

Here we have Henry Flint’s wonderful cover for prog 1883. In true Bee movie (sorry!) style, this cover pits two terrifying creatures against each other – Zombo versus Zombee! In the red corner (and red codpiece) we have Zombo, the flesh eating, Cameo-esque codpiece wearing, gentleman zombie! And in the yellow corner, Zombee, a creature made entirely out of flesh eating, blood sugar drinking, bees!

This is a gloriously madcap scene from a fantastic story that’s simply bursting with imagination and wit. Among a plethora of screwball ideas, Zombo’s Eleven features bored, suicidal, teens filming their deaths on YouTube to see who can get the most stars, eye ball earrings, a zombie Walt Disney head, a safe cracking dog, a defective Simon Cowell cyborg who can’t see anything wrong with anything, Maggie Broon(!) and the goriest bunch of deaths you’ll ever see in 2000AD.

Above we see the inks for the cover and below we have Henry’s roughs...
And the breath taking final inks...
Super thanks to Henry for sending these!


  1. You can really see the quality of Henry's draughtsmanship in those roughs Pete. The hands could have come straight out of an anatomy for artists book, perfectly drawn. Lovely stuff.

  2. Flint is a god. This stuff is brilliant - ta for sharing Mr P
